
Joan Dorsey Clothes Closet

Joan Dorsey Clothes Closet
Located at the Corner of South Colorado & Seventh Street in Salem
Open Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 9am to 12noon.
Clothing is free and does not require referral from social service agency. 
Some household articles such as bedding and kitchen utensils are also available.   

Salem-Roanoke County Food Pantry

Salem-Roanoke County Food Pantry
829 Indiana Street - Salem
Support by bringing non-perishable food items to the church & place in donation basket in the Gathering Area.     
We received word that the pantry is very low on food and needs help with peanut butter, canned goods, dried foods (beans, pastas, etc) and even garden vegetables.   
Requests have increased and donations have decreased, so anything you can help with will be greatly appreciated.